Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Professor Michael Clarke identifies 7/7 detonation devices

"There is no evidence at the bomb sites of remote detonation, nor of any material at the bomb factory which would suggest that they intended to construct remote detonators. The fact that Hussain seems to have bought a battery that morning may provide further indication that they were using self-detonating devices."

Speaking about last weekend's terror alerts in Haymarket and Glasgow airport on Channel 4 News earlier this week, Professsor Michael Clarke of King's College London said:
"Mobile phones were an important forensic element in the July the 7th bombings of two years ago. Since the detonators there were mobile phones and bits of phones were recovered, and SIM cards were also recovered, which are very vital."

Professor Michael Clarke
Professor of Defence Studies, Kings College London
Channel 4 News, 2nd July 2007

What does Professor Michael Clarke know about the events of 7th July 2005 that the rest of us don't know and aren't being told?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fact that Hussain seems to have bought a battery that morning may provide further indication that his kitchen clock had stopped working the day before