Tuesday 3 November 2009

New J7TC content published

J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign (J7TC) have recently published three new articles on our campaign website.

Debunking 7/7 Debunking Parts I and II, written by a J7 forum member and campaign supporter, dissects and debunks some of the spurious reasoning and disingenuous attacks against those not convinced by the official story of 7/7.

Read Debunking 7/7 Debunking Part I here and Part II here.

Also, Larry O'Hara and Paul Stott, two of the most virulent anti-truth campaign voices, in their publication 'Notes from The Borderland', were sent a response by J7 to 7/7-related articles printed in NFB issues 7 and 8. We have yet to source a copy of NFB9 to assess how this was received but, if the front cover is anything to go by, we anticipate more of the usual ad hominem smears and baseless accusations from the self-professed 'premier parapolitical publication'.

Our original article 'J7 vs NFB' can be read here.