A new, updated profile of Mohammad Sidique Khan is now on the
J7 Site, including information from Khan's personnel file at Hillside School correlated with conflicting information from other FOI disclosures, which in turn conflict with the Official Report. The profile also covers the revelations of an IT expert who claimed to have worked with Khan and Khan's alleged links through the Iqra to white Muslim converts, one of whom is a former anti-terrorism operative and the other with reported links to al-Qa'ida. Neither of these men are mentioned in the Official Report, despite their apparent connection to Khan and Beeston. Also included is an analysis of the supposed 'bonding mission' of a white-water rafting session in Wales, the erroneous reports of his involvement with 'terrorist activities' abroad and the apparent prior knowledge of Khan by the security services, who curiously sat back and did nothing, despite deciding he was worthy of quite intense surveillance.
To view the profile,
click here.
Hmmm, Don't know about Khan
But Hasib Mir Hussain was no where near Tavistock Square when the bomb went off.
check www.The4thBomb.com
Hi d.oc
I have checked the site. It mentions that there was only Daniel, the driver and four women on the lower deck.
The first woman was Louise Barry. Was the second Gladys Wundowa? See BBC
The third does not have a picture on the site. The fourth is Anat Rosenberg.
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